Taking Flight- Next Level is an award-winning program centered around environmental education
Doing Science with Cardinals
We study wildlife, and band birds, specifically cardinals! We love cardinals and contribute our studies into bigger research that could be game changing.
Check out the Nest Cam!
We have made several nest boxes, but this one we outfitted with a camera. Check out this feed from 6/1/23. Note the beautiful feathers that Tree Swallows use for their nest. Tree Swallows are cavity nesters, which means they use hollowed out trees, old woodpecker holes, or boxes to nest in. They are beautiful and quite territorial!
Using a blend of art and science,
Taking Flight seeks to educate and
foster curiosity in its students.
Through mediums like journaling, drawing and painting, Taking Flight encourages deeper thought and appreciation for nature. Its scientific support offers a unique opportunity to enhance these experiences with hands-on learning and data collection.
Science Saturday
Once a week the Taking Flight program meets from 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m. at a University of Kentucky research station, building not only critical thinking and technical skills but friendships as well.
“It’s just a very good opportunity to learn more about something that you wouldn’t normally be able to experience and just collect data, help research, and have a good time just being with birds.”
— Andrew W, Taking Flight Student